May 11th 2024

New Page Additions

Still some repeats in motion, but with added progress. Glad to be getting to move past some obstacles. Old stresses leaving and new stresses arriving.

With the time off I have had, I have been able to get some content ideas started for the YouTube page. The links to this content have been added to the Navigation Menu. I have to admit I had requested COPILOT’s help with this one a little. It has been so long since I researched adult coloring that I needed AI to get me some explanations and information for quick reference to use on the page. It was nice, but I feel a little like a cheat. The time it would have taken me to get it self-researched and written down would have taken too long. I wanted to get the pages ready before I was employed. I am trying to get as much content initiated before my time is cut back again.

Yes, I had months to do this, but I have had a lot of emotions to process. I am hoping the new page and channel will help me with moving forward in my processing. Being open about the things I enjoy hasn’t been easy. There are some insecurities that come with sharing them. I have to forget what others say
or think about me or how I process, and healing is one. Right now, in my processing I am doing a lot of stress relief exercises. I think it is important to remember to have a several sources of entertainment that consist of not just pleasure but encourage learning and growth. Some would judge me by saying coloring, playing computer games and watching movies is not learning or growing. I would argue and say how you do these things and what you choose to withdrawal from the time invested in them is what makes it a learning experience or resting place for you.

To simply sit down and mindlessly watch a movie, intaking without considering the intent or message the creators had would be a poor decision and a waste of time, even if your conclusion were, they just wanted to make a movie for sheer enjoyment. However, usually my mind goes to the plot and how it plays out. I don’t usually spend time without finding some purpose in it I can use later in life. Most of the ones this week have been reruns and background noise. So, there is not much sharing in this type of entertainment in today’s post.

I hope to get some more stuff going soon. Simple things for stress and processing, but I am still excited to share them with you. There really isn’t much more of a personal update right now. Same stuff, different part of the cycle. There is a lot of pressure to get more views, but I just am not ready for it right now. I see all these advertisements and marketing videos telling me how to grow quickly and I can’t help but give a stressful smile. I freaked out the first time I shared a lot of myself and am still suffering from my choice of escape. The force felt from being pushed to be open is a little too, much. There is a lot of anxiety and embarrassment. I lean more towards Introvert than Ambivert and both feel and know I have shared too much and made myself appear to be something I am not. Never alone is the phrase I used to describe how I deal with being in the situation. Trying to be kind to myself by remembering, I am never alone. You know, you know.

I hope to hear from you about the YouTube channel. Even if Adult Coloring isn’t your thing. Any ideas about what you would like to view would be great. One I have been thinking about is how to do some faceless cooking videos. That would be the only request I have to receive ideas about videos that the ideas include being faceless. Also, a Discord community has been started. The only channel right now is for chats. I will release this when I am more prepared to share. If you have an interesting channel you would like to add let me know.

Thank you so much for being here through all this tough stuff. Any day you want to read and catch up is appreciated. Your time is appreciated. Remember to always practice self-care. I am behind on a lot of you guys’ pages, but I hope to get back soon.

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