June 22nd 2024

No Drama, No stress – Still the Dream

Just when things start to go okay, you know something had to go wrong with my car. Same tire, same problem. Back right to send a message. The only thing I am tired of is dealing with psychotic people.

More rumors and more people who believe them. Still no direct questions. So, nothing really new same stuff.

With 46 more weeks of Electronic Coloring videos, Color Break: Art Therapy and Mental health will be wrapping up over the next three weeks. It has been interesting going over some of the information and also learning new information about Art Therapy and Therapeutic Art. The benefit points are starting to blend together, and it is difficult not to reiterate a lot of the same points as they start to be so closely intertwined with each other. This week really does have some great extra reads. If you haven’t checked out the Color Break section yet, I would like to encourage you to do so, especially if you like mindfulness mediation exercises or are dealing with a lot of stress and would like to learn how to manage it better.

I have a few exciting ideas for future pages and would also like to like to know some other interest you might have that we could share here and learn more about each other. Please comment below.

Thank you for staying around through all the difficult stuff and encouraging me to keep going. You are great!!

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