June 29th 2024

It is times like this I tend not to want to write anything, but that would be the point I believe. Don’t write if you aren’t given what to dictate and you’re not given anything to dictate because you won’t do it verbdom.  Very used to this.

Truth is I don’t like drama, so other than the continued same ole’ same ole that it has become, along with the mention of ‘any day now’ and the buildup along with they are aware and can hear, there has been more intimidation tactics of kill rooms and not help from the authorities. Involuntary movement checking reflexes and just more of the ‘crazy’ in general. Not believable, no, won’t believe or admit fault.

Same disrupted sleep patterns and invasion of privacy. Exhaustion. Even now the fire alarm that was just given new batteries is now shorting out. Coincidence possible.

I did make an old recipe with my own additions I haven’t had in a while and will be eating that for the week. I wanted to video it but didn’t have the proper lighting or tools to do it properly. That is one thing I would like to work on getting.

Like I said same stuff, harassment, sleep deprivation, conditioning, talk of
making me unaware of the sexual assault(s) planned to knock me down. And of course, no one getting involved either because of disbelief, fear, or their own involvement.

Just a temporary situation, right.

With how busy the weekend has been I didn’t get the research done yet for the Cognitive Stimulation point of the Art Therapy Series done, so it will be late. I will have it up by the end of the weekend though.

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